Michelle Lenton, cook I

An exceptional cook at Bonnyville Health Centre, Michelle Lenton shows everyone the meaning of comfort food by sharing her culinary creativity when preparing and serving food. She developed Wednesday around the world lunches. These lunches are a hit with staff at the site and with patients, families, staff and physicians at the Bonnyville Medica Clinic, emergency medical services and the fire department.

Michelle took a long leave of absence to care for herself and her health needs due to a battle with breast cancer. Her personal battle renewed her enthusiasm for preparing nourishing and enriching meals for those facing health issues of their own. Her care and emphasis on presentation and preparation has helped patients and residents to get healthier faster and shorten hospital stays.

Since there is a large Indigenous population in the community, Michell taught herself to make the perfect bannock. Many patients and residents request it daily. When she returned to work, she received a special note from one of the Indigenous residents thanking her for coming back and making his bannock. She often is the meal planner for the site’s annual teepee raising ceremony and the traditional feast for National Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Michelle recognizes traditional Indigenous foods in a care setting offer cultural, social and nutritional benefits that can contribute to holistic health. Additional benefits include psychological, emotional and spiritual support. Providing foods that are recognizable and comforting help empower patients.


Romiluz Robino, licensed practical nurse


Armando Rodriguez Perez, environmental service worker