Lindsay Larkin, registered nurse

Having a deep knowledge of care in the emergency department, Linsday Larkin a registered nurse, is empathic with new staff recognizing the responsibility that comes with working in a small department where the complexity of patients and treatments can be overwhelming. She works diligently to ensure new staff being oriented to the emergency department have the skills and experience to be effective team members. When mentoring a staff member, she goes through each piece of equipment and procedures that person needs to be familiar with.

A collaborative approach is critical to managing scarce personnel in rural health care. Lindsay takes a lead role in ensuring staff from other areas in the hospital feel comfortable participating in patient care in the emergency department. She created training binders with orientation tasks that are helpful to staff who are only in the department occasionally. Lindsay holds impromptu learning sessions on night shifts to help team members overcome learning gaps.

Lindsay is a strong advocate for her patients. Related to process or equipment she makes suggestions that include well-developed ideas for improvement. Her proactive contributions have led to many small changes.

She has a calm, organized approach to sharing knowledge with her colleagues. Lindsay recognizes gaps in knowledge may exist in less experienced staff and is keen to share her skills and experience. She enjoys the role of teacher and shares her passion for emergency medicine.


Joy West Day Shift


Jill Soderstrom, simulation lead