Jason Ziegler, maintenance worker III

A maintenance worker at St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital, Jason Ziegler, ensures the facility runs smoothly so residents and staff have a comfortable place in which to live and work. Jason has worked at the site for a long time and shares his experience with other staff. When something big needs to be repaired or maintained, he explains what is happening, why it is happening and when the work is happening in an easy-to-understand way. He tries to get the work completed quickly to limit disruption.

Jason helps keep St. Joseph’s beautiful. He gets the site ready for the holiday season by bringing up trees and decorations so residents, families and staff can enjoy festivities. In winter he salts and shovels the walkways to keep them clear. In summer, he takes care of the lawns, gardens and balconies.

Keeping everyone safe is one of Jason’s priorities. He inspects equipment and anything electrical residents bring into the site with them to make sure they are safe. Jason does monthly fire drills to ensure staff know how to respond if there is an actual fire. He is quick to jump in and help if anyone needs help during the fire drills. If an alarm goes off or something happens in a resident’s room, Jason checks to make sure everyone is safe.


New Misericordia Community Hospital Emergency Department project team


1 East main floor