Heather MacGillivray, program manager

As program manager at Youville Home, Heather MacGillivray has many responsibilities, but she always keeps resident-centered care at the forefront. When there was a resident who was proving unmanageable and even dangerous, she was unwilling to sacrifice the future wellbeing of this resident by accepting a quick, easy relocation. Instead, Heather diligently searched for the best possible placement while continuing to guide and encourage staff. Her determined advocacy took time. Her solution was an inspiring learning experience for staff to see what resident-centered care truly means.

A particularly difficult family member was coming onto a unit and calling administration daily with a litany of complaints and demands. Staff began to avoid this person to ward off negative interactions. Heather knew this person’s personality, concerns for their loved one and their life circumstances. She talked to the unit’s registered nurse and recommended that she call this family member often rather than just responding to their calls to not only be preemptive, but also to demonstrate concern for the family member’s wellbeing. The result was immediate and dramatic. The family member appeared calmer on the unit and problems were resolved more easily than before. The resident’s wellbeing improved too. This experience has led to the registered nurse changing her practice; now she gets to know family members as soon as possible.

Heather has an exceptional ability to be present with people, listen actively without judgement and offer timely reminders about the priority of resident-centered care.


Alicia Mclachlan, health care aide


Unit 4, Unit 5, environmental services team, scheduling