Foyer Lacombe team

All team members in all departments

The Foyer Lacombe team strives to keep the people they serve at the centre of all they do. Everyone shows up daily for work in a manner that enables them to practice active listening, to show empathy and to communicate with each resident where they are in the moment. The site chaplain works collaboratively with team members to understand the unique needs, history and goals of residents.

In their 10-bed hospice unit, staff at Foyer Lacombe strives to provide a safe landing place for end-of-life residents and their families. This involves a strong person-centred care approach from admission to death. Staff give residents as much choice as possible. Recent fundraising activities provided adaptive gowns that look like shirts for men and dresses for women and a comfortable duvet to encourage a “home” environment.

When a hospice family is struggling with the suddenness of their loved one’s diagnosis, the team provides a listening ear, ongoing education about the end-of-life process and supports them in resolving conflicting thoughts and feelings surrounding the care of their loved one.

Foyer Lacombe provides an honour guard walk out for residents who pass away. The resident is covered with a handmade dignity quilt. The spiritual care department organizes three memorials a year for families. One takes place outside by the river in St. Albert in recognition that some family members may not be able to enter the site after their loved one’s passing.


Dulcina Hospice team


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