Danielle Minault, administrative assistant

Always willing to help, administrative assistant, Danielle Minault’s motto is I will figure it out. This attitude has contributed to her success as a unit clerk super user for the Connect Care transition, technology mastermind, being a belite patient for training, conducting interviews and fixing medication carts. She validates all requests for help and is the go-to person for all fixes big and small. Her assistance, encouragement and support help team members feel valued and makes everybody’s job a little easier. She has contributed to a culture of appreciation and respect in the program.

She has been a multidisciplinary liaison to find supplies and equipment when needed. She has taken on ordering, adding supplies to carts and communicating with companies to provide staff with the tools they need to perform patient care.

Danielle maintains confidentiality, helps with staff interviews and maintains the confidentiality of potential staff. Understanding the stress of interviews, her gracious manner helps people feel more at ease. Danielle respects patient and family confidentiality and acts with honesty and integrity in her work.

She was instrumental in the program’s connect care transition. Danielle helped staff with knowledge transfer and was always willing to take time to instruct people. She also helped staff with their Connect Care SEUPA exams.


Leah McBride, program manager


Don Gustum, volunteer