Carina Chan, recreation assistant

With flexibility and innovation, Carina Chan, recreation assistant, is a valuable part of the recreation team. She does not have an assigned unit, so she provides coverage and support to 15 units. Last minute sick calls and outbreaks can change her schedule on a minute's notice. She cheerfully and enthusiastically goes where she is needed. Carina is popular with residents because she is engaging and fun to be around.  

Her dedication to overseeing every facet of the recreation therapy van is appreciated. She ensures the van is maintained so it is safe for residents and it gives them a smooth worry-free experience. In addition to keeping the van in tip top shape, she takes defensive driving courses through the Alberta Motor Association to be ready for anything that may occur when she is driving.  

Carina is a strong voice calling on the team use its food resources in a fiscally responsible way. She makes sure all items purchased or baked for special teas or other events are labelled and used by their best before date. Through her diligence and communication her teammates have become more aware of the importance of food safety and using food so there is little to no waste.


Jonas Cornelsen, recreation assistant


Kira Kulczycki, recreation aide