Amanda Magee, manager, environmental and portering services

Every person who comes through the doors of the Misericordia Community Hospital counts on environmental services and portering. As manager of these two teams, Amanda Magee’s work touches everyone.

Amanda is present and fully engaged from the beginning of most projects at the hospital. In 2023, there was a flood that went from the eighth floor down to the second floor. She was on hand with her team making sure they were managing the water. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the workload for Amanda’s team exploded with units going on and off outbreak status. Leadership knew they could count on Amanda to figure out new processes and schedules for cleaning.

Her willingness to participate and to get work done is balanced by her protectiveness of the time and efforts of her team. She asks questions and challenges people when there are better, more efficient ways to do things.

Managing environmental services and portering means there is always a risk of Amanda’s staff becoming sick or injured at work. She asks questions to ensure her team and those around them are working safely. During the planning for the opening of the new emergency department, Amanda was committed to ensuring stringent infection prevention control guidelines were met. With a larger footprint in the new emergency department, Amanda was creative in developing cleaning protocols and schedules for her staff for patient and staff safety.


Medical Device Reprocessing leadership team


Jose Gallardo, health care aide